information for coaches
Thank you for all you do in support of running the club!
Below are some resources to help you fulfil your club requirements and make your life easier!
Below is a list of important items and links to resources that will help you fulfil your club requirements and support you in your coaching role.
DBS Requirements
All coaches and any helpers who interact with children at the club on a regular basis must have a valid DBS certificate in place. Please speak to the club's welfare officer for information on how to do this.
fa registration
If you are involved with the running of the club in any way then you will almost certainly need to register with the FA and get a FAN number. You may already have one and there are tools available to help you find it if you are unsure.
safeguarding training
All coaches need to have taken the FA's Safeguarding for Children course. Check with the club's welfare officer(s) to see if there are any discount codes available. Costs will be reimbursed by the club upon request to the treasurer.
first aid training
Many courses are available including paid ones offered by the FA. Please speak to the club welfare officer(s) if you are interested in learning or brushing up on your skills.
Coaching Guides
Coming soon!
refereeing guidelines
Pitch, Goal & Ball Sizes
Coming soon!